"A good job begins with a good company."
Hiab Driver - Wanted
Brazier Scaffolding is expanding its transport division in Queenstown and recruiting an experienced Hiab operator.
We have a great team who enjoy working together, and we are looking for someone who will fit in. Being punctual, polite, and having a good attitude is a prerequisite.
For any details related to the job, please get in touch with Deane Tamariki: queenstown@brazier.co.nz (021 272 9434)
Hiring in:
Recruiting now- Scaffolders and Labourers
We are looking for :
Qualified Scaffolders
Scaffolders completing their apprenticeships
Spanner hands
People interested in a career in scaffolding, that may be currently in a labouring role or equivalent looking for a way into the industry.
Hiring in all four branches
Send us a message
Please Included in the message:
What Branch are you interested in?
What position are you interested in?
What experience you have in Scaffolding?